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DONG IN’s Welfare Benefits We operate a welfare system with various benefits to improve the tasks and quality of life of our employees.
Welfare Benefits
- Subscription into 4 Major Social Security Insurance Schemes National Pension, Health Insurance, Employment Insurance, Workers’ Compensation Insurance
- Subscription into Retirement Pension Employees who have been employed for at least 1 year will be signed up for retirement pension
- Leave System Annual leave, maternity leave for female employees
- Support for Congratulations and Condolences Leave, goods, and monetary gifts for events requiring congratulations or condolences
- Employee Discounts Up to 50% off for employees when purchasing company brand products
- Physical Training Expenses Funding for physical training expenses to ensure employees stay healthy
- Health Examinations Health examinations held to help employees manage their health
- Condo Support Support for employees when staying at prestigious domestic resorts
- Time Difference Commute System Operation of a time difference commute system to improve the work-life balance of workers
Recruitment Process
- step 01 Fill out Application Form
- step 02 Document Screening
- step 03 1st Interview (Practical)
- step 04 2nd Interview (Executives)
- step 05 Final Selection of Successful Candidates